

I stood in the hot shower quivering. Stepped out, got dressed and laid down immediately. For a moment I wasn’t sure if I was getting sick or if it was stress. My stomach is my stress organ so there are moments I can’t differentiate the beginnings of a flu and being overwhelmed. 

Ainsleigh slowly crawled up next to me, started stroking my hair and slowly slid my glasses on my face. ” I will lay here with you mama.” Aiden wasn’t too far behind. It isn’t very often I am sick or laying down like this so they both were staring at me with big, confused, concerned eyes. They are such little treasures. I had this sinking suspicion that the week of HopeSpoken a bunch of overwhelming, stressful situations (completely unrelated to the event) would come my way to try and distract me and sure enough…it didn’t disappoint. 

It’s amazing how 10 minutes with these sweet babies is like medicine for the soul though. Their precious spirits and their little sayings. 

I can’t believe it is this weekend. Danielle wrote on her instagram this week ” over a year ago we took this big dream, that was laid on our hearts, and said yes to the Lord.”

I know that no matter how much is happening around me right now, how many little things may go wrong, if I feel silly sharing my heart…whatever it is… we said Yes to Him and Yes to this leap. That alone makes me feel proud. Proud that I am not scared to move and do and take leaps. 

So here is putting on some good music, eating some twizzlers and forgetting everything until tomorrow. Goodnight world. 


March 26, 2014


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