
First Day.

Little notes stuck to my desk, empty carseats, their empty little rooms….the house is so quiet. 
Little visual reminders everywhere of their sweet little selves. 

I mean it’s just school, I realize that- but I miss them desperately. 
 I worry about them ….are you navigating things without me there?

Letting go has always been the biggest struggle in motherhood for me.
It was so unexpected- that deep struggle…but it’s what I wrestle with. 

I love you both more than you can imagine. 

Tears streamed down my cheeks as we pulled away today. The sweetest teachers literally on the planet, I prayed and thanked Him for (again) placing you both in the very perfect spots. 

I looked at one of them and told them what it meant for me to share my babies for that many hours each day. 

3:00 couldn’t come quick enough….
Laying next to you at bedtime, your little prayers, talking through your day…hearing your stories and seeing you grow- moments that are so so dear to my heart. 

we love you both more than words can say


August 25, 2017


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